What is Ayurveda?

by | Aug 23, 2018 | Ayurveda in Everyday Life, Everyday Wellness


What is Ayurveda?

What brought me to Ayurveda was ulcerative colitis and a rare autoimmune liver condition. In the 15 years since diagnosis I've tried every diet out there. I love Yoga and finally realized I wanted to dig into the ancient stuff that I trust. It worked and I am completely medicine free, symptom free, and feeling great.

Just what exactly is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is commonly translated as “the science of life”.

Basically it is the world’s oldest wellness system. Ayurveda has been practiced for thousands of years and it’s still here today because it works.

Let’s look at the translation a little bit deeper. Ayur comes from the word ayu. Ayu is loosely translated as life. Veda means science or knowledge of, and is often described as wisdom.

The ancient texts say:

“Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life…”

- Charaka Samhita 1.42-34

mind, body, senses, soul

The texts also define ayu (life) as being made up of four distinct things:

mind        body         senses     soul

Most of us are familiar with the concept of the mind-body connection. I consider the soul to be our higher self. It’s the senses that don’t usually get the credit they deserve. The senses provide signals that let us know if a food, drink, song, color, temperature, etc. will take us toward or away from our natural state of balance. Everything we do matters. When we are at our healthiest we are able to notice the signals our bodies give us. When we are in a state of survival, our listening gets foggy. This is one reason why Ayurveda is considered a holistic system. It encompasses all aspects of life. Just changing food won’t make you well.

The details of cultivating health and happiness vary according to the individual. For the beginner, this can be confusing and makes Ayurveda seem almost mystical. Learning the basic elements of nature simplifies the science so that we all can start to understand how to create balance within ourselves. I think getting to know yourself is a lifelong practice. It’s also a gift.

Ayurveda is called a living science, which means it must be practiced to be understood. There will never be a specific Ayurveda diet or protocol that can be marketed to the masses because your diet is based on what you, the individual, need. This doesn’t mean you have to cook a separate meal for everyone in your family. By choosing fresh, whole foods over processed you will be well on your way to an Ayurvedic lifestyle.

like attracts like, opposites create balance

Do you feel cold? Skip the iced tea and cozy up in a sweater. Does your skin feel dry? Add a spoonful of organic sesame oil to your rice at dinner. Do you feel anxious? Choose a quiet Yoga practice over a loud dance class at the gym.

Ayurveda is an unchanging science because it looks at the qualities of food, drink, scents and activities rather than the specifics. Whether it’s spicy curry or salsa doesn’t matter, it’s the intensity that will be good for some and toxic for others.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure...or in Ayurveda, one man’s medicine is another man’s poison.

Are you new to Ayurveda? I invite you to listen to Episode 1 of The Simple Ayurveda Podcast: What is Ayurveda?

I would also love to support you further on your Ayurvedic journey.

What is Ayurveda? How ancient science can help you feel happier and healthier today.