The earth element is slow and steady. Mother Earth is solid and supportive. What are your priorities in life? What are the things that are so solid that they are a part of you? How much do you let your foundation guide your life? When the earth element is in balance we are stable, rooted and confident. READ MORE
Ayurveda in Everyday Life
The Five Elements: Water
Do you go with the flow? More importantly, are you nourished enough so that you can roll with whatever life throws at you? The water element holds you together so you can be flexible while staying true to yourself. READ MORE
The Five Elements: Fire
The fire element is your power house. Are you motivated? Do you follow through whether it’s answering an email, standing up for a cause you believe in or committing to a daily meditation or Yoga practice? Do you go after your dreams?
The Five Elements: Air
The movement of air could look like free flow journaling, painting or creating without a plan, spontaneity, travel, mixing up new ingredients, a brisk walk and surfing the internet. Are you always on the go… or do you take time to pause? READ MORE
The Five Elements: Space
What does space look like in your life? Space is your Yoga mat just waiting for you. It is the blank pages of your journal. It is your google search bar. It is a Saturday morning without plans or expectations. And it’s completely up to you what fills up each of these things. READ MORE
What is Ayurveda?
Just what exactly is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is commonly translated as “the science of life”. Basically it is the world’s oldest wellness system. Ayurveda has been practiced for thousands of years and it’s still here today because it works. READ MORE