Episode 177: The Five Elements – ETHER

by | Feb 7, 2022 | Podcast Show Notes

Join Angela in this solo episode: The Five Elements: ETHER.
Angela shares insight from the Ayurvedic perspective around the ether element. This is the first episode of a series on The Five Elements. For the first half of 2022, Angela is going through all five elements in the Simple Ayurveda Collective, so if you’d like to study along and explore within your own life, be sure to join!
In this episode, learn more about:• a background on Ayurveda and the view of The Five Elements• ether as it correlates with Vata dosha• spaces within the physical body associated with ether• inquiry prompts to support you looking more deeply into how ether affects you
References Mentioned:Ayurveda and Panchakarma by Dr. Sunil V. Joshi

Wish the podcast came with notes, journal prompts, group support and more?

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