the gurvadi gunas
The most basic principle in Ayurveda is “like attracts like, opposites create balance.”
The gurvadi gunas are 10 pairs of opposite qualities that can be applied to everyday decisions.
You are already doing this right now in so many ways. A simple example is noticing dryness in your mouth and remedying it by drinking water. You have used the principle of opposites create balance. Energy moves and builds exponentially. Have you ever felt a sense of heaviness? And then chose comfort food...followed by not exercising? This is like attracting like.

using ayurveda to cultivate true health & wellness
How can you use these 20 qualities to cultivate true health and wellness? Here are a few more examples of these qualities in action:
Do you feel like you're rushing around? Sit down and meditate for a few minutes. (mobile/static)
Are you lethargic? Wake up with a brisk walk or power Yoga class. (static/mobile)
Do you feel irritated? Try swapping spicy food for more mild choices. (sharp/dull)
Are you bored? Spice things up with salsa or salsa dancing. (dull/sharp)
How do you naturally do this now? Where would you like more balance and ease?
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As a bonus, here's a freebie download (no email required) with all 20 gurvadi gunas and a little bit of self inquiry to get you thinking about how these apply to your own life.