the six tastes for balance
In Ayurveda, it is recommended we enjoy all six tastes in each main meal of the day.
One reason is that this ensures we get a variety of nutrients and chemicals that our body needs.
Another reason is so that we are satisfied with our meal and therefore don’t crave unnecessary snacks between meals. It’s ideal to allow 4-6 hours between eating to give the digestive system plenty of time to do its job.
But perhaps the most significant reason is that each taste is associated with specific elements. The five elements are the building blocks for everything in nature (ether, air, fire, water, earth). We are a part of nature, so the five elements are our foundation. The elements combine to form the three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. The elements within the six tastes provide support and balance for the doshas within us.
This means that eating all six tastes in a meal supports doshic balance within you. It also means that you can focus a little bit more on certain tastes to help address any imbalance you feel.
the doshas
Which tastes balance each dosha?
Sweet (decreases vata + pitta, increases kapha)
Examples of the sweet taste: sweet potatoes, basmati rice, dates
Sour (decreases vata, increases pitta + kapha)
Examples of the sour taste: lemon, yogurt, fermented foods
Salty (decreases vata + pitta, decreases kapha)
Examples of the salty taste: sea vegetables, mineral salt
Pungent (decreases kapha, increases vata + pitta)
Examples of the pungent taste: ginger, radishes, spicy greens
Bitter (decreases pitta + kapha, increases vata)
Examples of the bitter taste: turmeric, coffee, dandelion
Astringent (decreases pitta + kapha, increases vata)
Examples of the astringent taste: spinach, pomegranate, chickpeas
* This information is meant to offer a basic understanding. Ayurveda is a complex science with many nuances. For example, the salty taste in moderation decreases pitta, but in excess causes pitta to increase. Above all, Ayurveda is the path of moderation and we are all meant to enjoy each of the six tastes without going overboard in any one direction.
What does this mean for you?
I think the easiest way to consistently eat all six tastes is through the 60/40 bowl. Another tool is to have fresh, simple veggies and herbs on hand to combine in a variety of ways. Personally, as a mama of two young children I look at overall balance in what we eat in a day or week versus stressing that I am getting all of these tastes in every single meal.
Here are my favorite simple, family-friendly ways to add the six tastes into your meals:
- Sweet: Toss a date into packed lunches for the natural sweet taste (plus dates help to build ojas/immunity).
- Sour: Use a small amount of fresh yogurt as a condiment for dipping or along with your rice bowls for an appropriate amount of the sour taste. Fresh lemon juice works well too.
- Salty: Sprinkle gomasio to garnish. It’s a sesame seed, seaweed combo that adds the salty taste without any fishiness. My kids don’t even notice.
- Pungent: Offer kids ginger lemon honey tea as an afternoon treat for the pungent taste.
- Bitter: sprinkle turmeric into oatmeal or scrambled eggs. Little ones might also enjoy golden milk.
- Astringent: enjoy hummus (or any bean as they all have a little bit of astringency to them).
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