Three Ways to Strengthen Immunity

by | Oct 1, 2018 | Ayurveda in Everyday Life, Everyday Wellness, Motherhood


ojas: an Ayurvedic perspective on immunity

In Ayurveda your immunity is related to your ojas.

Ojas is the subtle aspect of kapha dosha. The earth element creates stability. The water element offers cohesion + nourishment. Ojas is the earth and water elements in balance.

Simply stated, it is your juiciness.

the root cause of imbalance

When something is dried out there are cracks. Outsiders, such as germs, can move into those dry open spaces. If you have elevated vata dosha, you can imagine it’s like your whole body and/or mind is losing the lubrication that keeps everything cohesive. There are lots of possibilities for outsiders to invade. Things become rough.

When pitta is out of balance the subtle fire element can burn up ojas. The heat is literally drying up essential watery nourishment and creating an unbalanced environment in your mind and body.

Adequate lubrication through ojas is responsible for the natural ease and flow through the channels of the nervous system. It also provides strength and immunity.

it starts with agni: your digestive fire

A strong, reliable digestive fire that easily processes whatever you consume is your best friend in supporting your immunity.

Basically, a healthy agni is capable of handling whatever germs are thrown its way and the liquid cohesion of ojas lets those pesky bugs flow right out of you.

3 ways to strengthen ojas

Get adequate rest.

This is grounding at its best. It creates a strong and stable mind and body. Adults need 7-9 hours depending on your dosha. Children need 10-12 hours per night.

Avoid toxins.

Alcohol, drugs and environmental pollutants weaken your digestive fire and deplete ojas. So do processed foods, additives and refined sugar.

Avoid excessive wind and sun exposure.

Cover your head with a hat. Avoid the midday sun and enjoy nature in the morning, late afternoon, or evening.

There is no magic pill in Ayurveda. These lifestyle practices will support you so that if you are exposed to sickness your body is strong enough to let it flow in and out with effecting you too much. By treating your sleep as sacred you are honoring your mind and body. Avoiding toxins means your digestive fire is better able to do its job. Protecting your head from the air and fire elements reduces the influence of vata and pitta doshas so that you can hold on to the subtle earth and water elements.

How do create stability and nourishment? How do you protect your ojas?

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