Exquisite support in understanding your body’s wisdom

 Ready to take action?

I specialize in working with clients who are committed to improving their life through their own choices and living in alignment with nature.

We can work together in two ways.



Experience exquisite support so that you can feel more in control of your life with tools to empower you and help you thrive.


I help you cut through frenzied health advice to learn the laws of nature as described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. This empowers you to tune into your intuition and your body’s innate wisdom to make choices in diet and lifestyle that support you to thrive.


I will be supporting you every step of the way toward true acceptance and freedom.






Are you lit up by serving others?

Do you love learning?

Do you already have experience with yoga and holistic living and are ready to deepen and expand?


The Simple Ayurveda health counselor training program is a unique opportunity to experience personalized Ayurveda coaching while also gaining the tools and skills to work with your own clients.



This is a small group cohort starting September 2023.

Curious what it’s like working together?

In episode 189 of the Simple Ayurveda Podcast I chat with previous client Saveena Kohli on what she learned in working together and where she’s at now in her life. Listen in to our joyful conversation for a glimpse of what Ayurvedic coaching can be like.

Since working with Angela I’ve experienced more balance in all aspects of my life including more peace of mind and being less reactive.

Christine, full-time working mother of two

I was feeling overwhelmed about the amount of information about practicing Ayurveda for myself. Now I feel as though I have the tools to achieve calmness in my life in an organized, practical way. Angela has a soft, realistic for real life teaching style that made learning Ayurveda easier.


Kathy, nurse

One of the biggest results from working with Angela is that the desire to drink alcohol, or use cannabis, is gone. I can feel the vibrational difference in my body with a Ayurvedic lifestyle. I so enjoy my mental and physical state without substances and don’t want to impair those good feelings. This was not something I expected, or was even actively trying to give up. I’m so thrilled to have this fall away so naturally and easily.


Kathleen, yoga teacher + mother

I feel far more in tune to what my mind and body needs now than ever before. Paying attention to the doshic time of day, the weather, my energy levels. It’s all connected and I practice what I need in the moment whether it’s on my mat, in the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom.


Amanda, professional chef + mother

Three reasons you might study Ayurveda even if you have no interest in a career in it

  • You have a health imbalance and you’ve already been to a slew of experts. At this point, you know you need to get to the root of things for yourself.

  • For the sheer joy of it. You’re excited to learn about Ayurveda in a fun and supportive way.

  • You felt the ping. Your intellectual mind can’t explain why, but you feel the inner calling.

Which one resonates with you?

Our intimate cohort starts September 2024.