243 | Remembering Who You Are with Tracee Stanley

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Podcast Show Notes

Join Angela and Tracee in this conversation about sacred practices and rituals to help you remember and honor your deepest Self.

Learn more about:

  • Simple ways to connect with your inner wisdom
  • Following a daily rhythm centered on feminine energy
  • Turning to nature as your teacher
  • The power of ritual woven through your day

Tracee Stanley is the author of the bestselling book Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity and the forthcoming The Luminous Self: Sacred Yogic Practices & Rituals to Remember Who You Are. Tracee is the founder of Empowered Life Circle, a sacred community and portal of practices, rituals, and Tantric teachings inspired by more than 20 years of study in Sri Vidya Tantra and the teachings of the Himalayan Masters. As a post-lineage teacher, Tracee is devoted to sharing the wisdom of yoga nidra, rest, meditation, self-inquiry, nature as a teacher, and ancestor reverence. Tracee is gifted in illuminating the magic and power found in liminal space and weaving devotion and practice into daily life.

Connect with Tracee



Pre-order The Luminous Self at Shambhala with code LUM30 for 30% off

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