261 | My Health Story Part 2

There might not be such a thing as perfectly healthy, but there is wholeness. This is an update to episode three, when Angela told the story of coming to Ayurveda with ulcerative colitis.  Learn More About: Being humbled over and over again The three biggest...

260 | Resolving Fear + Biological Conflicts

Fear serves a purpose. When we understand what it’s trying to tell us, the grip it holds can soften. German New Medicine offers a map in understanding physical symptoms. Angela responds to a listener question about dropping health fears. Learn More About: The...

257 | Ayurveda Encompassed

A map is a representation. It’s a tool that can be static or fixed- like a piece of paper that you hold in your hand; but it can also be dynamic and changing- like your phone’s GPS.  The ancient texts of Ayurveda are written records. That part is...

256 | Cultivating a Deep Well of Nourishment

Cultivating a deep well of nourishment takes knowing yourself and knowing what is nourishing to you- not your best friend, not your family members, not your favorite teacher, not anyone else. And certainly not what you see on social media or society in general. Learn...

254 | The Hero’s Journey + Rewiring Patterns

When you create new neural pathways in your brain, it’s exhausting. It is easier for your brain to keep thinking in the same old way as that requires less energy. To think in a new way requires being resourced. Cultivating ojas is a path to accessing that...