Episode 149: Living with Chronic Illness

by | Jul 19, 2021 | Podcast Show Notes


The Simple Ayurveda Podcast: Episode 149

Join Angela in this solo episode: Living with Chronic Illness.

Tune in as Angela shares real life support for living with chronic illness going into what helped her process and work through her chronic illnesses and still come out the other side joyful, content, and accepting of what is, even the moments that are not joyful. Her hope is that this inspires you to understand that healing is a practice that we can’t always make sense of, that healing is a journey not a destination, and that day-to-day life is the spiritual lesson.

If you are not one with a chronic illness but you have someone in your life who does, perhaps this is an invitation to really let go of judgment when they're not there for you or they're not doing what you would expect. Just recognize that we all have struggles and not everyone's vocal about it.

In this episode, learn more about:
• We can’t blame ourselves for having chronic illness because we don't’ know why we have the karma
• Softening victim mentality through acceptance + surrender
• Healing is a journey, not a destination
• The importance of allowing yourself to feel the emotions, then finding a way to process and move through them
• How it’s okay to understand you have different needs than most everyone else
• Embracing humor and accepting the quirks around living with chronic illness
• and more!

Previous Episodes Mentioned:
137 | Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum: An Ayurvedic Overview
28 | The Confidence to Practice Ayurveda
29 | Finding an Ayurveda Support System

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