what is ayurvedic eating?
- Reducing packaged and processed food
- Eating fresh, local, organic food full of prana
- Incorporating augmenting and extractive foods
- Allowing one meal to digest before consuming more food
- Practicing mindful eating
- Proper food combining
You can also listen to the podcast episode for more details on getting kids to eat Ayurvedically.
simple tips for eating ayurvedically with kids
Start With Yourself
We can’t expect our children to do something we aren’t willing to do ourselves. If you are snacking between meals, they will see that as normal. By examining and making shifts to your own eating you are automatically setting an example for the rest of your family.
Start Small
What is one small change they would barely notice? Could you swap breakfast cereal for granola? And then maybe transition to overnight oats? Could you distract them during a time they ask for a snack but you know they’re not really hungry?
Simplify Ingredients
I keep all of our ingredients simple and separate. The kids can skip something on their plate. Mine are also more likely to eat plain ingredients they recognize rather than a stew or soup. My husband usually tops his healthy plate with hot sauce, sour cream or jarred jalapenos. It’s not Ayurvedic, but at least his base is healthy!
Make it Fun
Stir pureed pumpkin into oatmeal and call it jack o’ lantern porridge. Let little ones make a face with blueberries. Most importantly, try to keep a positive attitude around meals.
Get Them Involved
Take kids with you to the grocery store or farmers market (it’s tough, I know!). Set boundaries before you go in, avoid the junk food aisles and let them pick out a new fruit or veggie to try.
Try Montessori
Check out the amazing Montessori resources on getting kids involved in the kitchen. My kids like to measure, wash veggies in a colander, push the buttons on the blender, stir ingredients, and chop anything they can.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
The Ayurvedic texts teach that guilt and shame are worse than any food we could eat when it comes to our health and well being. I try to follow the 80/20 rule for me and my kids- 80 percent of our food as fresh, organic and full of prana and the other 20 percent I don’t worry about.
How do you get your kids to eat Ayurvedically?
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simple ayurveda for moms
The Simple Ayurveda Motherhood Masterclass is an online group course designed to empower you to be your healthiest, happiest self so that you can be fully present for your amazing life.
This 4-part series offers easy approaches to applying Ayurveda into your everyday life for yourself and your family.
Ayurveda is not a one size fits all approach, and this course is specifically designed to help you, a busy mama, feel vibrant, happy and whole.
My kiddos are 3 and 6 years old and I have used Ayurveda to completely self heal from ulcerative colitis. This is powerful stuff when you are committed. (You can read my story or listen to my healthy journey to learn more about me).
You can read about this self-paced course with a live workshop option here: Simple Ayurveda Motherhood Masterclass.