Podcast Show Notes

Episode 158: Ahimsa, Ayurveda, Veganism and the Gray Space

Episode 158: Ahimsa, Ayurveda, Veganism and the Gray Space

Join Angela in this solo episode: Ahimsa, Ayurveda, Veganism and the Gray Space.

This episode comes from countless conversations with yoga students, fellow practitioners, those on social media, in person classes, etc. It’s something Angela has been curious about in her own life since beginning to practice Ayurveda 14 years ago, and she has been learning and getting to the root of what the teachings do say. There is some pushback from those who view Ayurveda and yoga through a particular lens. This is a hot topic for many people. READ MORE

Episode 157: All About Ghee with William Jackson

Episode 157: All About Ghee with William Jackson

Angela is excited to welcome back William Jackson to the Simple Ayurveda Podcast in another discussion on ghee! He is an experienced Ayurveda Practitioner with a background in other practices as well, bringing such a broad range of wisdom and knowledge to this conversation which is an in-depth talk about ghee, it’s origins, and it’s uses (conventional and esoteric). If you’re curious about ghee and the incredible benefits it has on your mind, body, and spirit, be sure to tune in! READ MORE

Episode 155: Weekly Rituals

Episode 155: Weekly Rituals

In this episode, Angela shares what she’s learned about the connection with the days of the week and particular types of energy, offers some of the ways that she’s pulled it into her own life, and then gives us a little inquiry in how we might explore it in our own lives. READ MORE

Episode 154: Back to School Rhythms

Episode 154: Back to School Rhythms

It’s about that time to begin the transition out of Summer and Pitta season into Fall and Vata season. This episode will help provide you with support for easing into back to school rhythms. Angela shares a little bit about rhythms and cycles in general by looking at it through an Ayurvedic lens with the doshas. She shares with us three simple things we can do to help our children (and ourselves) during this time of transition. READ MORE

Episode 152: Ayurveda + Minimalism

Episode 152: Ayurveda + Minimalism

Listen to how Ayurveda and Minimalism go together in this episode prompted by a listener’s question: How are Ayurveda and Minimalism linked for you? Tune in as Angela shares about two of her very favorite topics. She absolutely loves talking about them, how magical they are and how they do create so much inner freedom! READ MORE

Episode 151: Ayurveda as a Science

Episode 151: Ayurveda as a Science

This episode is inspired by Angela’s recent teaching job to University students who are receiving a Holistic Health Minor. Angela appreciates that by listening you have an open mind, are interested in learning, and are committed to spreading the word about Ayurveda in a way that’s truthful and authentic as much as possible. READ MORE

Episode 149: Living with Chronic Illness

Episode 149: Living with Chronic Illness

Tune in as Angela shares real life support for living with chronic illness going into what helped her process and work through her chronic illnesses and still come out the other side joyful, content, and accepting of what is, even the moments that are not joyful. READ MORE