Episode 159: Dhatu Nourishment & Care

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Podcast Show Notes, Uncategorized

Simple Ayurveda Podcast with Angela Perger, Episode 159. Dhatu Nourishment & Care.

The Simple Ayurveda Podcast: Episode 159

Join Angela in this solo episode: Dhatu Nourishment & Care.

Ayurveda looks at how all parts of us work together in unison rather than in separate systems. In this episode, Angela shares all about each of the seven layers of the physical body - The Dhatus. This topic has been brought up before in this space, and the reason Angela feels it's important to bring it back around is because so many things we do in Ayurveda, such as chewing our food well and getting enough rest, are supportive of the tissues of the body. We we don't do these things, they begin to corrupt and break down. May this episode allow you to begin making the connection between what you do in your life having a direct correlation to what’s happening in your body.

In this episode, learn more about:
• Doshic attack against Agni when they begin to fall out of balance and what that may look like for each dosha
• An overview of when disease happens within the body
• A review of Agni
• Signs of malfunction for each of the seven dhatus and how to begin to provide nourishment and care for each of them
• and more!

Books mentioned:
Ayurvedic Medicine by Sebastian Pole
The Everyday Ayurveda Guide to Self-Care by Kate O’Donnell
Textbook of Ayurveda Volume 3 by Dr. Vasant Lad

Previous episodes mentioned:
89 | The Dhatus: A Basic Introduction to Ayurveda Anatomy + Physiology
110 | Nourishing the Dhatus with Kate O’Donnell
6 | Agni and Mindful Eating
156 | Healing the Thyroid with Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum
157 | All About Ghee with William Jackson
138 | Yoga Nidra and Radiant Rest with Tracee Stanley

Looking for further information and support?
Today’s episode is part of the unit in the Simple Ayurveda Collective we’ll be doing together in October - November 2021. All of Angela's notes are there, as well as super simple recipes, support in the group off social media, and journaling prompts for each dhatu, allowing you to look at the energetics of why we might be making the choices we make, as well as taking a look at the energetics of what true rest and nourishment looks like.

The Simple Ayurveda Collective is an affordable option to practice Ayurveda month by month. All units stay within the Collective to revisit at your own pace.

want real life support?

Wish the podcast came with notes, journal prompts, group support and more?

Welcome to The Simple Ayurveda Collective! It's the ongoing support system that guides you how to practice Ayurveda in your everyday life so that you have a deeper understanding of your mind and body and are able to make choices that are in alignment with your happiest, healthiest self.

Gain access to member-exclusive curriculum and step-by-step guidance through digestion, the doshas, self care, chakras and more. These are the tools that empower you to take charge of your own well being so that you have more energy, ease and clarity in everyday life.