Simple Ayurveda + Inclusion

by | Jun 7, 2020 | Ayurveda in Everyday Life, Everyday Wellness


a continued commitment to practice

Yoga is a Practice.

Ayurveda is a Practice.

Antiracism is a Practice.

Social Justice is a Practice.

What do these things have in common? There is not an end, but a continual commitment to practice in everyday life.

what is taught here

This space, Simple Ayurveda, is focused on sharing Ayurveda, Yoga and minimalism for everyday life.

Below is my personal view of Ayurveda so that you know what is taught here.

Ayurveda is a holistic science. It is a vast and intricate wellness system based on aligning diet and lifestyle with the rhythms of nature. It is also directly based on connection to the Divine, which is open to be your own personal relationship with God, the universe or the way that it feels right in your heart. Fundamentally it connects the human experience to the five elements of nature and three universal energies among other things.

The Ayurvedic texts are written records and notes that were put together in what is now modern-day India. These written records are based on Universal Truths that are spoken and shared in all Indigenous cultures. There are variances in the specifics, but the connection of the human experience to the sacredness of life on earth is what is most important. It is the people of India that have protected this knowledge for centuries under colonization and it is the teachers of Southeast Asia that cultivated the practices of pranayama, meditation and asana that are practiced around the world today.

In recent decades, Yoga and Ayurveda have been brought to the Western world. What is presented as Yoga has been changed drastically from its original purpose and meaning. I believe it is important to learn from diverse teachers, including those from Southeast Asian descent, that are committed to the original messages from the ancient texts.

Ayurveda is called a living science. That means we have to practice it to understand it. As we practice the suggestions and recommendations we do so through our own life perspectives. What I share as Ayurveda is a combination of the ancient texts, the perspectives of the teachers that taught me and also my own life experience. In the nature of teaching something about lifestyle, there are going to be many cultural considerations.

I believe that anyone teaching Ayurveda and/or Yoga must be willing to have difficult conversations about racism, colonization and social justice. To deny these aspects of life is to continue the harmful whitewashing of these sacred sciences.

Currently Simple Ayurveda is my own personal blog, podcast and course offerings. I share how Yoga, Ayurveda and minimalism are tools for transformational healing because that has been my experience.

In that aspect, this is a space where I share my personal journey of applying the healing tools of Ayurveda and Yoga to my life as a mother, wife, teacher, autoimmune survivor and yes, white woman. I can’t say that I understand your life experiences but I will do my best to listen and learn so that I can take action and support you in the way that you ask.

to the BIPoC Community

To Black, Indigenous, People of Color and those who identify with the LGBQ community;

I acknowledge your pain. I see you. I am listening. I am open to grow, expand and admit my mistakes. I am committed to action.

I am not here to tell you anything or to change your life to look like mine. If you resonate with my teaching style, I welcome you with open arms and would love to work with you. If you would like me to point you in the direction of another teacher, I am happy to share resources and as I gather more diverse teachers I will post them so that they are very easy to find.

my commitment for Simple Ayurveda

Someday Simple Ayurveda will become more of collaboration space. For now…

My commitment to you in this space that is Simple Ayurveda includes

  • Acknowledging social justice issues including racism when talking about Ayurveda and Yoga
  • Recognizing, acknowledging and honoring viewpoints from Black, Indigenous, People of Color and the LGBTQ community
  • Actively seeking out diverse podcast guests and contributing teachers
  • Scholarships and sliding scales for all offerings

my personal commitment

Personally, I am committed to

  • Continuing to educate myself on colonization, & white supremacy from Black and Indigenous teachers
  • Donating a percentage of my income to anti-racism, social justice and environmental organizations
  • Speaking up on my own platforms
  • Sharing Black and POC resources
  • Teaching my children truthful history
  • Standing behind the real leaders of this work
  • Being a humble student with an open mind and open heart

Thank you for reading, for being here and for being in this work together.

With honesty, sincerity and love, Angela